Sunday Early Service 8:45 AM • Sunday School 10 AM • Late Service 11 AM Kingdom Kids during Late Service Sermon We look forward to having you join us for worship! Fill out a visitor card and we’ll buy healthcare items for our local Food Pantry in your honor. ...
Going to church is a big commitment. If you’re not ready to attend, join us online by checking out a recent sermon preached at our church. Check out last weeks service on our Facebook or go for a older one on YouTube.
We are a community of believers growing together as a church family. Discover authentic relationships by connecting with a group this week. We are currently offering Small Group Online or one-one Small Circles.
We are passionate about reaching the next generation for Christ. When a young person is raised being taught that he is loved by God and created by Him for a purpose, it can make a difference to a family for generations to come. From infants to high school, our church...